I'm too tired to fully explain how happy this makes me. Suffice it to say, after serving fifteen terms in the U.S. House of Representatives, the man who once said of Internet gaming, "You just click the mouse and lose your house," is now going to have to figure out what to do with his life.
In a race that Republicans ignored because they didn't think it could be lost, in a race the national media ignored because they didn't see it as a potential pick-up for Democrats, in a race that even the candidate didn't think he could lose, Rep. James Leach (R-IA) lost his seat to a guy named Loebsack.
Damned right. Jim Leach got Loebsacked.
There's a part of me that wonders if we could've held UIGEA at bay for a few more months. If we had, we might never have seen it. Bill Frist needed Jim Leach to win the Republican Presidential Caucuses in Iowa. Leach wanted his bill passed. Now, Leach has been Loebsacked. I regret voters couldn't turn out to knock off Senator John Kyl. For now, I'll have to be happy about Leach looking for a job.
Karma, bitches.