Luckbox | Otis | G-Rob

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Poker Blog established in 2003 as the first stop for poker news, poker stories, and bad poker advice.

March 22, 2006

Otis and G-Rob Hate Me

by Luckbox

I can't say I blame them.

I suppose if I were in their situation, I'd hate them to.

I wasn't going to write about this until Friday at the earliest, but Boy Genius broke the seal, so the secret it out.

It's true, this Saturday night, I will be inside the Playboy Mansion.

Let's get the important questions out of the way (in BG style):

Can I come, too!?!?!?!?

No, sorry, you can not. And asking makes you a little girl.

Why can't I come?

Life is unfair. Why doesn't your hand hold up when you're an 80% favorite on the turn?

How'd you get picked?

Thankfully, the other two contributors here are happily married. That makes those poor saps ineligible to oogle half naked Playboy Playmates in person on a Saturday night.

Yeah, but how'd you get picked?

If you haven't heard, my nickname is "The Luckbox." 'Nuff said.

What the hell are you doing there?

There is a charity poker event, and I am assisting in live online coverage.

Aren't you freaking out right now?

Yes. Half of me doesn't believe this is true. The other half is completely mortified. At least I'll have BG to share my insecurities with. I also know that I won't be the worst dressed (thanks AlCantHang!) and I won't be the best dressed (screw you Joe Speaker!). In fact, I'm shopping for clothes tonight, thankfully I'll have a little help with that.

Can I hate you more now than I did before?


Will you have a camera?

I own a camera phone, and I plan to pick up a nice digital camera that they may or may not allow me to bring inside.

Can you get Kendra's phone number for me?

If I get her phone number, you're not getting it. She is a Philadelphia Eagles fan, though, so I got that going for me.

So can I come!?!

You're such a little girl.

Is there anything else you can tell me??!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

No. Further discussion may force my removal from the list, and, frankly, you only get a chance to get on this list about once in a lifetime. I'm eternally greatful to those who made it happen and I promise to bring the best stories and pictures I can back to the loyal readers of Up For Poker.

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