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Poker Blog established in 2003 as the first stop for poker news, poker stories, and bad poker advice.

January 14, 2004

Pressing Poker Question

by Luckbox

Is it better when you get sucked out by a woman? And yes, I mean at the poker table.

I'm sure it hurts just as bad, but at this point, my newest obsession is leading me to think it might not.

That obsession is Nicole Sullivan.

She became the first Celebrity Poker Showdown champion defeating seven men and Mo Gaffney (you decide). And this win involved one of the worst suckouts I've ever seen.

To be fair, I think she was playing pretty good poker. She threw away a lot more bad hands than the other players, and she wasn't getting the cards that Paul Rudd has. Maybe it's only fair that he became the victim of that suckout.

We're down to just three players: Nicole, Paul and David Gross. David is the big stack at 21,000. Nicole is sitting with 14,000. Paul is at 10,000. Here are your hands:

Nicole: Jc, 7h
David: Ks, 4h
Paul: 6h, 6d

Amazingly, everyone pays to see the flop even after Paul raises.

Flop: As-6c-10d

Jackpot for Paul. He goes all-in. Nicole is convinced he's bluffing and makes the call. Then she tries to convince David to call as well, he rightly folds. At this point, Paul is a whopping 97% favorite. It's about as close to drawing dead as you can get.

Turn: Qh

Now Paul can worry, but just a little. He's still a 93% favorite. Going in, Nicole needed running something (8-9 or Q-K UPDATE: NOT 7-7 or J-J), now she's half way there. With just four outs left...

River: Kc

Unbelievable. I've seen a lot of poker on TV and I've never seen a suckout like that. I've played a lot of poker online, and I don't think I've seen many suckouts like that.

At least Nicole took the pot she stole and wound up winning the whole thing. I'd play at a table with her any time!

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