There's likely a lot I will write soon about Bradoween V, but I need to thank a lot of people for making everything come off as good as it did. Bear with me.
* Mrs. Otis for putting up with this every year and always going out of her way to make sure everything comes off without a hitch.
* The Missouri Crew, Dr. Jeff, and Aaron for helping with set up in the waning hours before the event started (and apparently doing some cleaning up Sunday morning)
* The Can't Hang Crew for bringing the party, especially Eva Can Hang for making sure more booze was consumed at this event than any other in the past. She was more of a trooper than anybody.
* The entire Smith family for embracing Bradoween and making sure we got fed when the food ran out. Thanks to the good folks at Sub Station II for the emergency grub. You've got my business from now on.
* Heather and April for taking over shuffling and dealing duties at the final table
* Everyone who watched my kid throughout the day, especially Su.
* Uncle Ted for taking care of business.
* BadBlood for getting the tournament started and CJ for making sure it ended
* CJ and BG for running the Drunkalympics
* All the people who brought thoroughly unecessary but completely appreciated gifts (it's amazing how pegged you folks have me already)
* G-Rob for spending an hour and half with me driving around looking for Cheez Balls.
* All the people who used vacation time and spent the cash to travel from all across the country to make this mutated house party what it is, especially the brothers McGrupp, who could've easily spent some time with each other in NY after six months apart, but chose to come here instead.
* All the Hooters Girls for obvious reasons
* Everyone I have forgotten to thank here for understanding why I've forgotten to thank them here.